Guest Contributions


Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: The researcher as curator — extending or limiting visual peace literacy? (Part 2)

Despite the ‘pictorial turn’ in peace studies, integrating visual research methods remains challenging.[i] Academia seems hesitant to put the visual at the heart of its endeavors. Scholars tend … Read More

Guest contribution by Dagmar Punter: “This is supposed to look like a dove” — engaging the public, visualizing peace (Part I)

At the time of writing more than 26.000 black and white ‘Peace Now’ posters are spread and attached to public spaces across the Netherlands. The organizers of the … Read More

Guest contribution by Daniel Beck and Morgane Desoutter: Visual Peace in Kurdish Cinema

Kurdish cinema is often considered a typical case of ‘cinemas of conflict’ (Smets 2014) and in the common understanding, the Kurds themselves are generally associated with the idea … Read More

Guest contribution by Alice König: St Andrews student team launches a virtual Museum of Peace

A lot of museum space has been dedicated to war. Libraries and bookshops contain countless volumes of military history. Most of us can think of multiple war films. … Read More

Guest Contribution by Stef Pukallus: Communicative peacebuilding and the visual arts

Given the forum that this blog post[i] is written for I should state straight away that I consider the arts (visual and performative) to be a form of … Read More

Guest Contribution by Tiffany Fairey: Participatory, Community and Citizen Photography as Peace Photography

Imaging Peace is a 3-year Leverhulme research project that is looking at how participatory, citizen and community photographic initiatives act as (implicit or explicit) forms of peace photography … Read More