We are pleased to share the Call for Papers for the biennial conference of the European Peace Research Association in August 2021. Next year’s conference themed Empowering Peace: The role of civil society in peacebuilding and conflict transformation will take place at Tampere University, Finland.
We are even more delighted that the intersection of Arts and Peace was considered on the non-exhaustive list of sub-themes of the conference.
For obvious reasons, the thematic set up of the conference will also reflect the impact and outstanding role of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, further themes on the list of suggested topics include:
- Mobility, Security and Borders
- Nonviolence, activism and peace movements
- Sustainability, environment and peace
- Democratic participation, contestation movements and new forms of populism
- Global Health, Peace and Justice
- (New) media and peace
- Conflict transformation
- Feminist peace network
- Peace and technology
- Peace Education
- Disarmament and Peace
You can find the Call for Papers here. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 1, 2021. Papers can be sent to euprapeace@gmail.com.
We hope to meet many of you at next year’s conference.